How To Change A ________’s Mind?
Main Keynote

How To Change A _ ’s Mind?

The secret sauce to changing the minds of (customers, investors, LPs, ...) minds, that both entertains and moves the audience with emotion.

In understanding the key aspects of changing minds, event attendees gain takeaways for success in both business and in life.

Loved by teams from
Estée Lauder
Estée Lauder

More About The Topic

We are living in an era where humans have the lowest attention spans. We skim over emails, multitask on video calls, and downright ignore information – when was the last time you “cared” about what it says on the sign of a homeless guy, despite the obviously grim circumstances?

Businesses, brands, sales teams, and leaders at all levels are desperately trying to get noticed, and build long-lasting relationships with ______ (customers, investors, LPs, partners, etc).

Is there a secret sauce?

Yes. The answer lies in ultimately what makes us human – experiencing a feeling, and a deep sense of being understood. There is a theory and a system to tapping into this powerful methodology.

Adriana has presented these “surprising” tools for CEO audiences across industries to equip them and their teams with a way to supersede competition.

Adriana’s approach entertains and moves the audience, and is immediately actionable. As a result, brands have blown up in sales – by igniting a sense of urgency, belonging, and a bond of deep understanding that lasts.

90% Accuracy

predicting new tech businesses. Five launched in the market within 3 years of predictions.

+$100M Revenue

in 18 months, for a start-up launched within a Fortune 100, model replicated many times.

Top 2%

of earners in the US, despite being born into poverty, without a network, connections, or direction.

Keynote’s Learning Objectives


Understand the psychology behind getting someone to not only “hear” your message, but to move with it.


Gain clarity on the root of what makes us human, and how to tap into that to create a win-win.


Discover the key secret others miss – when they don’t apply this in sales (and expect marketing to pick up the slack).


Learn how your sales teams can gain an edge over the competition, increase customer acquisition and acquire customers that last.


Breakdown the 3-step process of positioning your value – a method that created $100M in 18 months.


Study the anatomy of a fail-proof influence approach, for maximum impact.


Determine the many opportunities to apply this framework for results, in business and in life.

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